General Fitness

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Tuesday, October 19, 2010


STRETCH: I don't always mention stretching, but you should ALWAYS stretch prior to and following each workout.  This will help to prevent injury (since this is a leg workout, you should stretch your legs)
***HOLD each stretch for a MINIMUM of 25 seconds to achieve the benefits of the stretch

WARM-UP: 4 sets of 25 kettlebell swings (100 total reps)
REST: 60 seconds between sets

SQUATS: "pyramid" (begin with a light weight and go up each set until you can perform only one rep)
**you should perform a minimum of four sets (1st set: 6-8 reps, 2nd set 4-6, 3rd set: 2-4, 4th set 1-2)
REST: 90 to 120 seconds between sets
IF you only have one kettlebell, or no kettlebell at all, do squats with what you have available.  Instead of a pyramid, do four sets of 10 reps with your kettlebell or just body weight

JUMPS:  4 sets of 25 jumps and perform each set as quickly as possible - this is to increase your rate of force production (POWER)
**use a platform that you are comfortable with but that challenges you - can use a bench, sturdy chair, step, etc.
REST: 60 seconds between sets

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