Warm-up: 15 dead lifts 90lbs (may use whatever kettlebell you have or substitute burpees) followed by 10 corkscrews each side, 10 clean and presses (each side if only one kettlebell), and 10 swings
- 5 clean and presses to push-ups (perform the clean and press then set kettlebell(s) down, place hands on the floor, "walk" out to pushup position, perform pushup, "walk" back to feet, grab kettlebell(s) and repeat 5x)
- 10 squats (no weight)
- 10 lunges (5 each side - no weight)
- 10 jumping lunges (same as a lunge except you explode up and switch feet in the air)
- 10 squat jumps (just what it sounds like - squat then explode up and jump as high as you can)
- 10 walking planks (place feet on a bench or chair, you should be in a pushup position except you start on your forearms, "come up" to your hands starting with the right, then back down to your forearms, perform 5 reps, then repeat starting with your left)
- REPEAT this circuit for 5 rounds with no rest
WAIT...now for your core. Rest 5 minutes, then complete the following.
- 10 crunches with 16kg (35lb) kettlebell (perform 5 reps holding kettlebell in right hand, then swap hands)
- 10 reverse crunches
- 10 walk outs (From standing, bend and place hands on the floor near your feet, walk out as far as you can without allowing any part of your body to touch the floor, then walk back to starting position - hands should be near your feet. This is one repetition - complete 10)
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